
What factors are important when valuing stamp collections?

When valuing stamp collections, there are many factors to take into consideration. Before coming to a conclusion, valuers need to examine certain features of the stamp, alongside rarity and current market trends. So, if you think your collection may be worth some money, we’ve put together a short guide explaining what philatelists look for and [...]

Sci fi stamp valuations – collections that are out of this world

Serious and amateur collectors alike are always hoping to find the next ‘big thing’. With rarity and mint condition comes value and so the hunt is on to unearth hidden treasures that may net the owner a small fortune. Then there are those collectors who are looking for stamps which also coincide with another interest. [...]

Valuing the stamp collections of five famous philatelists

It’s been dubbed the world’s most beloved and popular pastime. Philately (better known as stamp collecting) can be traced back to the appearance of the first prepaid postage stamp, the Penny Black, in 1840. Since then, it has attracted young and old fans alike, from countries across the globe - including some very well-known and [...]